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Docket Number: 292755260
Docket Delivered On 03-NOV-2023
Destination Pin code: 181133
Destination Location: XJMU(JAMMU City)
Delivery Information
Delivery Status Delivery Date / Attempted Date
Shipment delivered 03-NOV-2023
Incomplete Documentation 15-OCT-2023
Booking Information
Booking Station Delivery Station Booking Date Packets Weight Expected Delivery Date
XRJR (RAJAJI NAGAR) XJMU (JAMMU CITY) - 239 12-OCT-2023 1 35 19-OCT-2023
Transhipment Information
From Station To Station Despatch Date Time Arrival Date Time
XRJR (RAJAJI NAGAR) XNLH (NALMANGLA HUB) 12-OCT-2023 19:25 12-OCT-2023 22:29
XNLH (NALMANGLA HUB) XAMH (AMBALA HUB) 15-OCT-2023 22:42 19-OCT-2023 15:21
XAMH (AMBALA HUB) XJMU (JAMMU CITY) 20-OCT-2023 20:32 22-OCT-2023 08:21

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